2016 Overview: technologies, devices and programming



By the end of the year, it is always interesting to take a look back at the events and achievements of 2016. If we look back at the predictions for 2016 made a year ago by analysts, we can say that 2016 has not only delivered on them, but also created the basis for many technologies that will continue to develop in 2017-2020.

The most stunning gadgets of 2016

The outgoing year brought a lot of joy to users all over the globe as it included many releases of new smartphones with amazing designs and features. Apple Inc. challenged the professional cameras market, improving their IPhone 7 with advanced wide angle lenses, 12-mp matrix, and 10x digital zoom. The new baby of Apple also became water-resistant and got wireless Air PodsSamsung, though sadly famed for their Galaxy Note 7, also gave their customers a wide range for creativity with new Edge-models.

Game lovers already rave about and dream of the hottest PS 4 Pro console that provides spectacular 4K dynamics and the highest capacity in the world of games. PS 4 Pro also opens new opportunities for the VR gaming.

Hardly-believable only several years ago, today drones find more and more applications in different areas of life: photography, security, entertainment, delivery, and science. The most stunning drone of 2016 is DJI Phantom 4. However, one can also select among other models, for example, 3D Robotics and Yuneec.

Top programming languages of 2016

According to the IEEE Spectrum magazine study, the ranking of the programming languages slightly changed this year. C that has always competed with Java, at last outran it and ranked 1st. Java and Python ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively. C# that previously was 4th this time yielded to R and ranked #5. In mobile, Go by Google pushed out Apple’s Swift from the Top 10, taking the 10th and 11th places accordingly.

Passing to 2017

Announced in Gartner’s predictions for 2016 as the leading technologies, AI and Machine Learning are developing fast and will continue their evolution further in 2017.

Internet of Things (that we spoke about in one of our previous articles) got the most striking application in the medical and energy sectors. Scientists introduced a new term as an Internet of Nano Things (IoNT) developing nano sensors that can be used to collect various information in cells on bacteria level. .

One more term that you might have already seen on the Internet is Blockchain – technology used for bitcoin currency. This public transactions ledger can totally change the idea of the whole banking system, ruining the international borders. For now, Blockchain is a highly anticipated trend for the 2017 technologies.

Another technology that will definitely attract developers’ attention in the next year is known as Digital Twin, which means that almost every physical thing or system will get dynamic software models in the next several years.

By now, everything that was started in 2015-2016 looks like a prelude for a brand new computer civilization. So 2017 will bring more excitement and renew the feeling that future is happening now.