Why Outsourcing To Ukraine?



About a decade ago, the IT outsourcing market was transformed when countries other than India started offering highly-qualified specialists at compatible prices. Ukraine was one of those fast-growing providers of a professional IT ecosystem with the European mentality. Today, the Ukrainian IT outsourcing vendors provide services to such world known giants as Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Skype, Dell, Bosch, etc. 

Ukraine is a young country in the East of Europe that has great intellectual and technical potential. It is among the TOP-30 of IT outsourcing countries by Gartner. 

The facts that brought Ukraine to the top position among Central and Eastern Europe countries in the outsourcing market are:

  • The Ukrainian IT pool has about 90,000 technical specialists, which is more than in any other country in Eastern Europe. Most of them have experience of working with foreign IT companies.  
  • Each year, 402 Ukrainian universities graduate 36,000 tech graduates. The technical education in Ukraine is considered one of the best in Europe. 
  • Most IT specialists in Ukraine have a good command of English and easily integrate into the international teams.
  • Convenient location of Ukraine, with international airport in Kyiv, makes it easy to visit the country from any European capital. The fight normally takes no more than 2 hours.
  • European mentality makes Ukrainian developers easy to contact and communicate with. They are creative, reliable, and hard-working.
  • The sphere of IT services of Ukrainian outsourcing vendors encompasses almost all IT technologies and processes: front-end and back-end development, quality assurance, project management, web design, consulting, etc.
  • The costs of IT services in Ukraine are compatible with those of the most of the Eastern Europe countries, while the quality is at the greatest level.
  • Beneficial tax treatment and real estate market are attractive to such international companies as Oracle, Boeing, Ericsson, Siemens, Magento, etc. that created more than 100 R&D centers  in Kyiv and other major cities in Ukraine. 
  • Kyiv, the capital of the country, is a fast-growing business and cultural center, and one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe.

Nowadays, Ukraine is on the edge of the most popular and progressive technologies, with a great pool of highly-educated and enthusiastic developers and other IT specialists.