IT Outstaffing Trends 2013



It has already become a good tradition for companies and individuals to make reviews of the year which include highlighting the brightest events, achievements and failures. It is vital to look back at your progress during the year for analyzing what was wrong to learn these lessons for future, enhance the weak points and fortify the strong sides. Besides, a review of a year can be helpful for planning of the roadmap for the next period.
In Svitla, we also like to analyze the work done to be proud of our advancement. However, we are interested in the world markets and tendencies, publications and posts of world analysts as well.
We would like to remember you what anticipations were given as the main outstaffing trends of 2013 and sum up what will serve the basis of the 2014 trends.

Perfect match

Companies prefer to save time and effort for searching of candidates dedicating this responsibility to the staffing, consultancy and outsourcing firms that are knowledgeable in techniques of head-hunting and hiring of the right candidates in right time. More than ever, recruiters are required to find the perfectly matched staff for their clients’ specific demands and projects.

Talents wanted

The all increasing demand for talent became keenly felt in 2013 and this is true not only for information technology, but also for sales, operations and production areas. The companies are competing for the best talents and reporting to the surveyors that quality is the most important factor in hiring new employees. However, at the same time this is the biggest challenge as it is difficult to find the top-class professionals fitting the specific needs.

Social media sources

As in previous years, recruiting still uses social media as the biggest source of candidates. Due to the vast popularity of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other web resources, it is easy to perform candidate search and communication. For candidates, creating their profile in some social network is also the simplest way to be found by recruiters and firms. It is interesting what innovative ways in these areas shall be next :)

Priority areas

According to the statistics, the most recruited IT specialists of this year are project managers, analysts, and developers specializing in mobile, social media and data center/warehousing.
As for mobile area, Android and iOS are named the leading worldwide platforms. In general, the need for developers of mobile apps is anticipated to increase through the 2013-2015.
The other two great areas of continuous growth are cloud technologies and analytics. These technologies are raising their influence in sphere of healthcare, education, finance and other social and business applications.

In Svitla

Our company tries to stay in trend of the latest technologies to be competitive in the outsourced staff market. Who was hirable in Svitla in 2013? In 2013, we managed to take aboard new developers and open new offices. Among the most popular technologies we can mark .Net which is required as never before and Ruby that is also hitting the statistics comparing with the previous years. We hope that our new team members will feel comfortable in our company and the customers who work with them will be satisfied.


The year of 2013 has been hard-working and intense but at the same time productive and calm for IT world. We are waiting of the analysts’ forecasts for the 2014 and the Gartner Symposium ITxpo, the greatest IT gathering of the upcoming year in April 2014 in Dubai, UAE where the major directions and tendencies of IT-2014 will be declared.

We wish all our customers and partners happy and highly profitable year of 2014!