Cloud Business Solutions



Cloud Business Solutions provide specific services and capabilities to companies via the cloud. With Cloud Business Solutions, businesses gain speed, agility, and cost-effectiveness in a single solution that can be personalized to an organization’s singular needs, and deliver services effectively and promptly.

The range of services provided over the cloud encompasses a suite of industries such as marketing, finance, management, operations, human resources, technology, science, and more.

These Cloud Business solutions are the perfect companion to a robust digital strategy that is aimed at providing a centralized, single solution that is personalized, integrated, fast, and flexible. Cloud Business solutions are not only a powerful ally in customizing different cloud services but are also fast enough to accelerate processes, cloud implementation, development, and much more.

Additionally, Cloud Business solutions are designed to serve your unique business requirements; therefore, companies are only required to only pay for what is they need. The upfront and continuous investment are relatively minimal compared to the collection of benefits associated with Cloud Business solutions. Next, in this article, we are going to go over the benefits of Cloud Solutions for Business.

Benefits examples of cloud computing for business

This list includes the benefits associated with leveraging Cloud Solutions for Business.

  • Speed: Development in the cloud enables users to deliver solutions to the market with unparalleled speed. Cloud-based services also offer speed due to the short amount of time it takes to set up a cloud service application.
  • Flexibility: Cloud service providers take care of the majority of IT hosting and infrastructure, which gives plenty of time for end users to tackle specific aspects of the business.
  • Mobility: Cloud computing options allows mobile access to corporate data via numerous devices.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Cloud solutions for business save money as they allow users to only pay for the services they need, with minimal upfront investments. Another cost-saving factor of cloud solutions is the availability of data in a shared environment, which saves time and team efforts.
  • Scalability: Cloud business solutions can be scaled up according to the increasing demands of a project. As a company grows, the client can upgrade the subscription and the resources needed to meet business needs.
  • Storage: There are public, private and hybrid storage options available within cloud business solutions. Based on the security needs of a project, users can select the option that best suits their requirements.
  • Anytime-anywhere access: Cloud-based solutions and data are accessible from virtually any internet-connected device.
  • Security: Cloud solutions provide a suite of security features such as virtual private cloud, encryption, API keys, and more. Additionally, hardware failures do not pose a threat of data loss or leaks because of network security solutions that protect information directly in the cloud.

Best of Cloud Computing Business Solutions

In today’s digital landscape, a shift is occurring from traditional computing to cloud computing business solutions. With a couple of decades under its belt, cloud computing options offer a wide range of affordable types of cloud computing services such as Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH), Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Storage as a Service (STaaS), Security as a Service (SeaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Data as a Service (DaaS), and more.

The use of these families of services offers considerable value in comparison to traditional computing. As defined in the previous section, these benefits range from cost-effectiveness, mobility, scalability, and flexibility to much more.

Cloud computing delivers meaningful competitive advantages, which is why the technology market is making heavy investments in numerous types of cloud computing business solutions. These solutions help companies gain revenue faster than the competition, provide better service to customers, and efficiently run their business organizations.

Types of Cloud Computing: Role of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and DaaS for your business

In this section, we are going to focus on the role of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and DaaS solutions for businesses.

The IaaS member of the cloud computing family of services provides infrastructure components that are usually found in an on-premise data center such as servers, storage hardware, network hardware, and more. In essence, IaaS delivers pre-installed and configured hardware or software via a virtual interface. IaaS provides a hypervisor layer that runs virtual machines as guests. A hypervisor is capable of supporting large quantities of virtual machines as well as scaling services up and down according to the client’s needs. IaaS solutions enable users to implement great levels of automation and orchestration. Familiar examples of cloud computing IaaS include Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Google Compute Engine.

The PaaS solution, similar to IaaS, provides a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud with all the components and resources necessary to deliver solutions over the internet in a more advanced fashion. The PaaS environments encompass infrastructure, middleware, development tools, business intelligence services, management systems, and more. The PaaS sandbox and deployment environment lets users develop, test and deploy cloud applications. It is essentially designed to support the build, test, deploy, and update processes of an application’s lifecycle. Familiar examples of cloud computing PaaS include Windows Azure, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, to name a few.

SaaS is software owned, licensed and developed by a company which then rents access to it via the Internet. Oftentimes, this service is referred to as on-demand software because of its subscription-like model that provides fully functional web-based applications seamlessly to customers. SaaS is usually accessed by users via a web browser. This simplicity has turned it into a common delivery method for numerous business applications such as office software, messaging software, payroll processing software, management software, and development software, to name a few. All the SaaS infrastructure, middleware, app software, and app data are located in the cloud computing service provider’s data center. As predicted by FinancesOnline, the expected growth of the SaaS public market by 2020 is a whopping $76 billion dollars. Familiar examples of cloud computing SaaS include Google Apps, Dropbox, Cisco WebEx, and Salesforce.

DaaS, similar to all the other members of the “as a service” family, is based on the fact that data can be provided on demand regardless of geographic or organizational constraints. With the emergence and proliferation of service-oriented architectures and application programming interfaces, the location or residence of data has been rendered unimportant. DaaS solutions help organizations quickly ingest substantial volumes of data, integrate data, analyze data, publish data, and manipulate data in real-time. Familiar examples of cloud computing DaaS include Oracle DaaS and Microsoft Azure.

Hosted and Hybrid cloud deployment models

Unlike traditional hosting, cloud hosting makes apps and websites attainable via cloud tools as these solutions are not deployed in a single server. In simple terms, cloud hosting is a network of servers that act and operate as a single entity to host an app or website, providing flexibility and scalability. Cloud service models come in different types of cloud deployment models.

The three types of cloud deployment models: private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.

Basically, a cloud-hosted environment, or public cloud, is on-prem software hosted on a dedicated server managed by a 3rd party vendor to serve the client’s needs. These are the most common cloud service models to deploy cloud computing. In a public cloud, all hardware, software, and infrastructure are owned and managed by the cloud service provider.

A private cloud is comprised of computing resources used exclusively by a single business or organization. It is usually physically located in the organization’s onsite data center and the services and infrastructure are kept on a private network.

On the other hand, hybrid cloud deployment models combine on-premise infrastructure with public clouds which enables data to move seamlessly between private and public clouds. Hybrid Cloud solutions for business offer greater control of an organization’s sensitive assets, are cost-effective because clients need only pay for what they need, allow for easier migration when transitioning to the cloud, and provide added flexibility in using resources in either the on-prem or public cloud, as needed.

Svitla systems cloud

On-premise solutions vs cloud solutions for your business

As the hype around cloud computing continues to grow, innovations for on-premise solutions are also being made to counteract the cloud’s domination.

There are very clear and substantial differences between on-premise solutions and cloud solutions for your business. The main one is accessibility. Essentially, on-premise solutions are installed on a user’s computer. Cloud solutions, on the other hand, are accessed via the internet and are typically hosted by an outside provider.

The second prominent difference is payment models. On-premise solutions follow a traditional upfront investment, while cloud services offer a “pay for what you need” model with a low-entry-fee.

The third difference lies in security. Security for cloud service solutions is the sole responsibility of the service provider. For on-premise solutions, security is controlled by the company. This provides tighter control over compliance with policies, standards, and legislation connected to security standards.

The fourth difference refers to customization. Cloud solutions offer less customization because they sometimes lack the bandwidth or time to work on personalizing a service. On the other hand, they can be more stable and can be frequently updated. On-premise solutions, on the other hand, are highly customizable as they are designed to meet needs specific to the company.  

The fifth difference is implementation. Cloud implementation solutions consume less time and resources to implement an application. In the duel of on-premise solutions vs cloud computing options for your business, there is no right answer. We know, it’s frustrating! But trust us when we say there’s no better approach than to consider, weigh and evaluate all of a company’s needs and requirements before deciding on which option is best. Both on-premise and cloud offer valuable benefits and some drawbacks that may affect business success, therefore it is not a decision to take lightly. If the scenario allows it, companies may opt for a hybrid solution as on-premise and cloud solutions aren’t mutually exclusive and can coexist in a friendly manner.

Сloud computing security issues

Cloud solutions for businesses don’t come without their own set of risks, threats, and challenges that must be taken into consideration prior to transitioning your business activities to cloud-based schemes.

Possibly the biggest risks of concern today are related to cloud computing security issues. Nowadays, cyber attacks and data leaks are becoming a bigger threat than companies originally thought, causing millions of dollars in losses. Cloud computing security issues compromise the integrity of a system by exposing sensitive data to potential attacks.

Cloud-based services and cloud computing service providers face these common challenges in cloud solutions:

  • Compatibility: It’s not uncommon that companies have an IT infrastructure or security requirements that are incompatible with a cloud solution. These requirements and policies must be reviewed prior to committing to a full-blown cloud migration.
  • Reliability: Because the services are hosted in the cloud and outside the client’s spectrum of a controlled environment, there are no real practical methods to mitigate risks of an interruption in service due to outages, lack of availability, shutdowns, and more.
  • Privacy: Privacy and confidentiality risks are the main reasons some companies are still on the fence about embracing cloud-based service solutions. The protection of sensitive information is both a priority and a concern when sharing crucial information with an outside party.
  • Compliance: Data is subject to regulations and policies that must be enforced contractually, thus it is very important that cloud-based solutions offer stringent enforcement of compliance processes. The risk lies in the fact that data is in the hands of a 3rd party supplier who may be lax about operating under regulatory controls. This can bring serious consequences for both the supplier and the client.
  • Security: If it’s online, it’s hackable or prone to cyber attacks. This rings true for all data and systems that are stored in the cloud and is problematic. As we mentioned, cloud computing security issues can wreak havoc on  a company’s integrity as there is a massive concentration of information stored in the cloud, thus one breach impacts a huge group of users.
  • Control: In simple terms, your data is being safeguarded by someone outside your organization. This loss of control over your data opens up the door to unwarranted access or leaks that may be out of your scope.
  • Quality: Cloud-based services are flexible but they also sometimes lack standardization. With careful planning and well-established guidelines, a large number of quality risks can be kept at bay.
  • Support: Not all cloud service providers offer a customer service solution. This is especially important for mission-critical business services that require hands-on customer support for any hiccups that might occur.  Expanding your IT business as a Cloud Service

Cloud service providers have thrived and flourished in terms of the service offerings and service delivery models they provide. Nowadays, cloud solutions have blossomed into an evolved model that offers simplified and centralized IT services and management capabilities.

The centralized approach to cloud solutions benefits both the service provider and the end users by defining, delivering, and tracking service-level agreements right on the web.

With cloud services, you have endless possibilities at the tip of your fingers to grow business models and increase efficiency. In simple words, the cloud fosters expansion.

With this expansion, the IT industry must reconfigure their role as creators, executors, and managers of software, networks, data centers, and more. IT as a valuable cloud-based service is becoming a benchmark for innovation and improvement in an industry where the cloud is the dominating player.

In a not-so-far-away future, IT organizations will no longer require personal computers...perhaps a tablet or mobile phone will be sufficient for employees. Data centers may no longer physically exist in companies, as all data will reside in the cloud. 

This transformation is accelerating the crash of robust infrastructures, labor-intensive outsourcing, and large proprietary systems.

Svitla Systems can help with Cloud solutions for your business

Cloud Business solutions can bring about tremendous success to your business endeavors if careful and diligent strategies are considered before immersing into the cloud. Over the years, Svitla Systems has nurtured a team of experts that have helped numerous clients achieve outstanding results with cloud solutions. Let us be there for you. Contact us for more information and our team will provide further details on how your business can prosper with Cloud Business Solutions.

Want to know more? Fill out the form below and our sales team will contact you to shed light on how we can help you with your cloud business solutions.