technologies with ruby

The most used technologies with Ruby


Ruby is the most well-known language for quick prototyping of web sites. To use it fluently you should know several technologies that are standing nearby. It could be very useful to summarize your knowledge and to understand: what things you are already known and what should you improve. Here are technologies and instruments should good ruby developer know.

  • Frameworks: Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, Merb;

  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite;

  • Source control: SVN+Git;

  • Deployment: Capistrano, Vlad the deployer;

  • Web development tools: jQuery, CSS Html5/CSS3 Prototype, Backbone, Coffescript.

If you are a rubyist, you could add your technologies that we didn’t mention to make this list more accurate.

For more information about Ruby technology you can visitour conference.


by Svitla Team

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