The Reasons to Outsource Your Software Development in Ukraine



Ukraine has been always considered the country of talents. Beautiful nature and mild climate can’t help inspiring anyone. The level of intelligence of population is rather high. In the previous decade, with growing of globalization, increasing of influence of the Internet and social media, as well as investment from abroad, the interest to IT increased among young people in Ukraine. According to the job ratings 2013, IT specialists set the 1st place in the most desirable professions among school graduates, leaving behind directors, managers and layers.

Although the salaries of Ukrainian software developers increased 1.5-2 times comparing to the previous two years because of growing technical expertise and demand for developers, they are still 2-3 times less than the salaries paid in US and Western Europe for the same jobs. This makes Ukraine attractive offshore software development provider. The pool of specialists includes the representatives of all possible sophisticated technologies. The biggest popularity nowadays belongs to .Net, Java, PHP, Ruby, and mobile technologies (Android, iOS).

There are 862 higher education institutions in Ukraine. Thanks to the good educational system saved since Soviet times and updated with modern European techniques, young people are able to obtain profound knowledge in math and physics and due to the self-education, Internet courses, and freelancing they can polish their skills in practice. Such education and desire to work makes them perfect specialists able to solve very complicated tasks.

Ukraine has a great potential and now sets the leading position among countries of Central and Eastern Europe in IT outsourcing. As Ukrainian government does not sponsor science and manufacture in enough amounts, most of the IT industry in Ukraine is oriented towards international market. Approximately 40,000 people work in outsourcing. Of course, this is not as much as in India, but the population of our country is not that huge also. Each year Ukrainian institutions add 16,000 graduates to IT community. With such tempo the number of IT specialists should reach 120,000 specialists by 2020.

This tendency triggered creating of outsourcing companies that help foreign firms to find the specialists in Ukraine thus reducing additional time and money expenditures. In Svitla Systems, our professional recruitment managers are oriented on selecting and employing only the best candidates from all over the country, performing careful interviewing and background checks. Our HR managers study the needs of the market and select the candidates that really satisfy the requirements of the projects. We value our staff, providing them with all necessary hardware and software, comfortable offices, health insurance, vacancies etc. We listen to our staff same way as our clients and this makes our company attractive for job-seekers.

The portrait of Ukrainian developer may be depicted as a hard-working, enthusiastic, creative and intelligent person. Most of IT people in Ukraine are aged 20 to 35, able to be flexible to customer working hours and meet strict deadlines. Many our customers point out that Ukrainian developers are not afraid of coming to customers with their ideas and range of options for better solution. Though the last say stays after the customer such collaboration helps to achieve the best results.

Besides being knowledgeable in computing they also have a good command in English and communicational skills. Ukrainian people are very polite, hospitable, client-oriented and gladly communicate with guests from abroad. More and more companies give priority to Ukraine (instead of Asian countries) because of the cultural aspect: in the people’s way of thinking Ukraine is much closer to Europe and US.

Nowadays, Ukraine actively paves the way to integration with European Union. The government of Ukraine works on the tax-laws that would stimulate the entrepreneurship in IT sphere. Such engagement of the ministers should also increase the interest to startup by both Ukrainian and foreign investors. Hopefully, the professional level of IT specialists in Ukraine will continue to grow and many companies will appreciate the work with our people.

So the main reasons why to outsource in Ukraine are:

  • Lower salaries comparing with US and EU;

  • Large IT specialists pool;

  • Great talents;

  • European type of thinking;

  • Compliance and meeting deadlines;

  • Well-established recruiting system;

  • English-language competence.