Golden Sponsor of JavaScript fwdays’20

Svitla Systems became a Golden Sponsor of JavaScript fwdays'20, which takes place on14th March 2020.
JavaScript fwdays’20 is a largescale conference for JS developers, which gathers up to 900 participants 8 years in a row. Among our speakers, there are experienced international and Ukrainian developers and experts. The highest level of the program is guaranteed by several stages of selection and rehearsals for every speaker.
Speakers' list
- Sara Vieira (CodeSandbox)
- Chen Hui Jing (Jewel Paymentech)
- Sebastien Chopin (Author of Nuxt.js)
- Ivan Akulov (PerfPerfPerf)
- Martin Splitt (Google)
- Yurii Artyukh (
- Vadim Makeev (HTML Academy)
- Gregory Shehet (Grammarly)
- Natalia Tepluhina (GitLab)
- Illya Klymov (JavaScript.Ninja)
- Stefan Judis (Twilio)
- Viktor Turskyi (WebbyLab)
- Alexey Raspopov (DataRobot)
- Sergiy Babich (N-iX)
- Khrystyna Landvytovych (Panenco)
- Timur Shemsedinov (Metarhia, Kiev Polytechnic Institute)
- 3 tracks. Up-to-date talks from the best experts in different spheres, which will be delivered in Ukrainian, English and Russian
- Speakers’ corner. You can talk to speakers and ask numerous questions without time limits
- Communities gathering. To be announced soon