
Svitla Systems is proud to support Special 20th Ruby Meditation, on February 17th, 2018.
It will be a very pleasant celebration with old friends and new people who like Ruby and like to learn! Come and get your portion of good mood, knowledge, professional communication and tasty lunch.
Planned talks:
"Cryptography: way to Arkham" - Andriy Savchenko
"Ruby JIT compilation" - Mikhail Bortnyk
"Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors’ explained" - Ike Kurghinyan
"Professional Code Reviews" - Bogdan Gusiev
"Ambiguous Sinatra" - Vadim Evseev
Share your positive experience and best practices on this Ruby Meditation #20. If you have any work issues you cannot solve, our community will gladly help you to find the best way out in live discussion at Lightning talks session.
Students. who interested in ruby and have a willingness to visit Ruby Meditation will get a discount 50% with promo code 'student'.
If you are a parent of a small baby (0-3) on maternity leave and you want to learn more about ruby development you can get a special discount for a ticket with promo code 'GrowWithYourKid'.