Svitla Smart Talk. FinTech 360: Discovering Domain



Join us for the exciting new Svitla Smart Talk that will delve into the world of FinTech projects. Whether you are new to this field or an experienced professional, this event will provide valuable insights into how to work with FinTech.

During the event, we will cover a variety of topics including an overview of what FinTech is and the different niches within the industry. Our speaker, Oleksandr Tarasenko, Chief Technology Officer of RozetkaPay, will share his experience working in a particular FinTech domain and discuss the integration scheme of banks and financial systems, including the security and legislation involved in this process.

In addition, the event will explore: 

  • Several interesting case studies, integrations, and legislation crucial to the success of FinTech projects.
  • Discuss common challenges and hiccups that can occur, including integration issues with financial services, risks associated with data and security, and navigating relevant legislation and laws.

So, if you were wondering about FinTech and its many nuances, this event is for you! Get the opportunity to learn and gain valuable insights about how to navigate this rapidly evolving field. 

See you there! 


Oleksandr Tarasenko, Chief Technology Officer of RozetkaPay. Oleksandr has over 13 years of experience in web development. For the past 4 years, he’s been building and managing a large, scalable FinTech project focused on Ukrainian e-commerce leaders. He mentors young talents in the IT field in Ukraine and volunteers to help launch projects that bring Ukraine closer to victory in the war against russia.