Svitla Smart Talk: PHP OpenSource world. Stable multi-threaded application (Symfony, Docker, Kubernetes)

If you want to know more about contributing to Symfony and creating a stable multi-threaded application (Symfony, Docker, Kubernetes) - this event is just for you! #SvitlaSystems is waiting for Strong Middle+ PHP Developers on 10th December in Impact Hub Odesa to discuss the next topics:
Topic 1: Contributing to Symfony - Alexey Samara
- Why join to the OpenSource community
- Experience in creating a bundle for Symfony
- Experience in contributing to SensioLabs products
Topic 2: Creating a stable multi-threaded application (Symfony, Docker, Kubernetes) - Artem Yasynskyi, Alexey Samara
- Symfony Messenger
- Deployment at Kubernetes
- K8s limits
- Liveness and Readiness probes
- Autoscaling
Alexey Samara - Software Architect at Svitla Systems Inc. on project Symfony contributor, API Platform Contributor, GitHub Developers Program member, author of SlackBot for Symfony.
Artem Yasynskyi - Senior DevOps Engineer at Svitla Systems Inc. Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD Automation, Terraform IaaC.
18:30 - 19:00 - registration and welcome-coffee
19:00 - 19:45 - contributing to Symfony + Q&A
19:45 - 20:00 - coffee-break
20:00 - 21:00 - сreating a stable multi-threaded application+ Q&A
21:00 - 22:00 - pizza+beer networking
Event details:
Date - December 10
Language - Russian
Location - Impact Hub Odesa, Hrets'ka St, 1А
Ticket price - 100 hrn.
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