Svitla Smart Talk: Python. Introduction to Spark/Spark Streaming



On 17th December Svitla invites middle and senior Python developers to find out more about Spark/Spark Streaming during live-coding.

Topics to discuss:

  • What Is Apache Spark?
  • Apache Spark Ecosystem
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Broadcast model
  • Spark Streaming


Victor Kovtun - Data engineer at scoutbee, 13+ years in development


18:30 - 19:00: registration and welcome-coffee
19:00 - 20:00: lecture about introduction to Spark/Spark Streaming
20:00 - 21:30: Q&A session + further networking with pizza&beer

Event details:

Date: December 17
Language: Russian
Location: Svitla Kyiv Office, Yevhena Sverstyuka, 2A, 3rd floor
Ticket price: 100 hrn

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