Svitla Smart Talk: Ruby. Webhooks.



Typically triggered by an event, webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks that have become the go-to method of augmenting behaviors in a web page or web application. In our latest Svitla Smart Talk, Andriy Dushar will share his expert take on webhooks and what makes them so valuable in web development when using Ruby on Rails.

What you’ll learn:

  • What’s a “subscription” and how to manage it
  • How to implement the “retry” mechanism
  • How to protect clients from potential attacks using a signature
  • How to prevent duplicate webhooks with eventID


Andriy Dushar - Senior Ruby Developer. Gaining experience since the 9th grade, Andriy is involved in everything from reverse engineering of state apps in Kazakhstan to freelance opportunities. For the past 3 years, he’s worked as a developer with CreditNinja RoR responsible for payments. In his free time, Andriy runs a YouTube channel about Ruby, enjoys swimming, running half marathons, and playing volleyball.