Svitla Smart Talk: SwiftUI Lifecycle



Join our last #SvitlaSmartTalk webinar in 2020! Our unparalleled Kostiantyn Bilyk will discuss SwiftUI App and View Lifecycles:

- why it was added and what are the consequences for developers;
- how it will influence the app development;
- what are pros and cons of using it in your pet and life projects;
- what are its most notable features.

The talk will be absorbing for both Junior iOS & macOS Engineers and Team Leads. So let’s use this chance to see each other once again this year before going on winter holidays!


SwiftUI App Lifecycle

  • Why it was added
  • Availability
  • Supported versions

How to set up

  • New project
  • Existing project
  • Troubleshooting

Pros and Cons

  • Apple advertising
  • What is in reality
  • App lifecycle tracking

SwiftUI View Lifecycle

  • What is it
  • UIView Lifecycle
  • Comparison

Ready to use

  • Pet projects
  • Commercial apps
  • SWAT

Kostiantyn Bilyk - Team Lead, Lead iOS Software Engineer в Svitla Systems.

Event details
Date: 17 December at 19:00.
Duration - 75 minutes.
All other details we will send after registration.
Registration is free but mandatory.