Svitla Smart Talk: What’s coming in Hanami 2.0

If you’ve dabbled in the world of Ruby web frameworks, then you will most likely have heard of Hanami. This full-stack web framework is now sporting an optimized version for increased speed, returning responses in milliseconds. Made up of smaller, single-purpose libraries, Hanami is more than simply reinventing Ruby on Rails, it’s flipping the script on its head.
To learn more about Hanami 2.0 and how it’s currently undergoing a variety of beta releases, you can join our latest #SvitlaSmartTalk which focuses on this successful framework. As of now, it seems as though November 2022 is set as a tentative month for Hanami 2.0 final release, and we can’t wait to walk you through what has been accomplished so far and what you can expect to see in the final release, only a couple of months away.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Piotr Solnica is a software consultant and an open-source hacker. He created the rom-rb project and co-established dry-rb. He’s also the author of gems like dry-validation, dry-types, and more. His jokes are dry as well ;)