IT Outsourcing Trends 2013



IT outsourcing (ITO) is not a new notion. It has already firmly occupied its niche in IT sphere. Many companies closely work with outsourcing firms for long time and consider this service as a “must have”. Like other areas of business, ITO is constantly changing under the influence of modern tendencies. Let’s take a view of such tendencies influencing IT outsourcing in 2013 in front of entering 2014.

Pay wise

The eternal question of reducing price (while improving quality) is still priority number one for any company and this maybe is the major argument in favor of outsourcing. The analysts say that in 2013-2014 customers will shift their expenditures from capital investments to operational. This is explained by unstable economic and political situation in the world, and companies’ management just do not want to risk investing huge sums at once if they can pay it gradually.

Stay mobile

Judging by requests that Svitla have received from the customers this year, mobile technologies will stay one of the major trends of IT market, outshining the desktop applications. The adoption of enterprise applications for tablets and smartphones become very popular as this gives certain mobility to employees who can access their business tools out of office when it is necessary to take the decision on the spot. According to Gartner, Inc., mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices, will continue hitting the top of IT products, so the outsourcing for mobile software will grow through at least three further years.

New perspectives for cloud technologies

Cloud technologies solve many challenges of enterprise businesses making them more flexible and competitive. Cloud computing is still far from run out of its implementation possibilities. Hopefully, the interest to exploration of this area is not going to stop and will bring us new insights.

Storage and security

The problem of the modern times is related to constantly increasing volumes of data and necessity of its storage and management. This is a wide space for innovations and creativity. Data should be reliably secured which adds more challenges to developers. Every new application, technology and device becomes a potential target for hikers’ attacks and malicious software that evolves with equal velocity.

Customers come up closer

Today’s customer is not a phantom actor who only signs the agreements and pays money. The modern customer wants to communicate more and be involved in every process of project operation. SLAs do not push aside the customers; on the contrary, the buyer wants to be sure that the results correspond exactly to what they declared in the documents. Experts anticipate deeper intrusion of customers into the project management and control of every step of development.

In general, all segments of IT outsourcing show stability of their position on the world market. Due to the forecasts of Gartner, Inc., the IT outsourcing industry is going to reach $288 billion in 2013, which is a 2.8 percent increase in U.S. dollars from 2012. Today’ s IT software providers become more demanding and pay more attention to establishing closer contact with end-users to find more personalized approaches to them that should create new opportunities for IT industry.