RubyC 2015 reassembles Rubyists in Kiev



On 30-31 May 2015 Svitla Systems organizes the third conference on Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Svitla invites developers of all levels to one of the brightest Kiev Ruby conferences – RubyC 2015. We are looking forward for two days dedicated to the latest news, trends and best projects on Ruby. You will usefully spend the weekend, pick up new ideas and get to know the best western Ruby experts, who are already packing their bags.

Please welcome RubyHero-2014 Ara.t.howard (USA), Julian Cheal (United Kingdom), Lourens Naudé (Portugal), Bozhidar Batsov (Bulgaria), and especially pleasant guest-Ben Lovell (United Kingdom), who spoke at RubyC last year. The list is still far from complete, so check the news on Twitter or Facebook.

And, of course, do not forget that our refreshments not only include coffee and pancakes, but also a massage from Office Massage guys, lots of fun and gifts from our partners!

Useful tips:

  • While the speakers are defining their topics, ticket sales are in full swing!
  • Venue: BC “Incom”, Smolenskaya str. 31-33, Kiev.
  • Conference languages – English, Russian, Ukrainian.
  • And see the archives of the past year and our summary of RubyC 2014.

Organizer, Svitla Systems, is particularly grateful to the company’s SoftServe, which became a General Sponsor of the conference for the second time; as well as to media partners: podcast portal Ruby no name, company Ruby Garage, IT Association of Ukraine, websites Ruby Flow and Ruby Jobs.

Those who wish to supplement the noble list of partners should easily find detailed contact information on the website.

See you at the #RubyC15!