Svitla Smart Talk: Diagnostics, instrumenting .NET Core 3.0 application (online)



The work on any application doesn’t end with its release but instead provides a great opportunity to explore users’ behavior and experience. On 7th May we will review best tools and practices in collecting\analyzing users’ metrics with minimal efforts.

We will discuss:

  • Metrics and instruments.
  • Best practices.
  • Usage patterns.
  • Performance bottlenecks, etc.


Ihor Fesenko - Application Architect at SoftServe Inc. and Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional. He is passionate about designing and developing distributed, scalable and secure web applications and cloud-enabled solutions. Proficient in C# & Microsoft Azure, has managed and assessed multiple projects focusing on high performance and large data solutions, taking advantage of all the features and capabilities available on a target platform. His current focus is on the building and improvement of scalable and secure web applications, cloud-enabled applications and operations. Igor is also a contributor to a number of Open Source projects and a speaker at local and international technical conferences, meetups and user groups.

Event details:

Date - 7 May at 19:00. 
Duration - 1.5 h. (1 hour. - lection, 30 min. - Q&A session)
All other details we will send after registration.
Registration is free but compulsory.