staff augmentation

How to Scale Your Workforce with Staff Augmentation


Across industries, it’s evident how hyper-competitive enterprises are, especially as innovation and agility are chiefs in the pursuit of success. 

Businesses continuously seek to try new methods, roll out cutting-edge features, and stay one step ahead of competitors. Yet, a looming obstacle seems to linger – the shortage of specialized expertise and limited workforces. This obstacle slows progress, hinders quality, and impedes the rapid development of software solutions. 

In this article, we aim to address this pressing issue by focusing on staff augmentation. This solution helps organizations break free from the constraints of a limited workforce and empowers them to scale capabilities (up or down) with ease and simplicity. 

The urgency of not compromising quality and software development speed is apparent, and staff augmentation emerges as a strategic approach to address said urgency. Thus, this article will delve deep into the concept, exploring its intricacies, benefits, and key strategies for successful implementation.

Understanding Staff Augmentation

Team or staff augmentation has gained momentum in software development atmospheres for years. Why? Simply put, it offers a fresh perspective on how companies address workforce and expertise obstacles.

Next, let’s focus on how to grasp the core idea behind staff augmentation, how it distinguishes itself from traditional software outsourcing models, and the various names it goes by in the industry.

The Staff Augmentation Concept

What is staff augmentation? Staff augmentation aims to seamlessly integrate external talent into your existing workforce, creating an extended team that works collaboratively towards your project's success. Unlike traditional outsourcing, where entire projects are handed over to external vendors, staff augmentation allows companies to choose and manage professionals who align with their needs.

Distinguishing staff augmentation from software outsourcing

  • Outsourcing: Traditional outsourcing entrusts an external vendor with an entire software development project from start to finish. In contrast, staff augmentation allows you to retain control and management of your project while selectively adding experts to complement your in-house team.
  • Offshoring: Offshoring refers to relocating a part of your project to a remote location. Staff augmentation, on the other hand, often involves working with professionals who can seamlessly integrate with your on-site or remote teams.
  • Freelancing: While freelancers can be a part of staff augmentation, the distinction lies in commitment and integration. Staff augmentation professionals become integral to your project, working closely with your existing team, whereas freelancers often operate independently on specific tasks.

For instance, Svitla’s Managed Team Extension delivery model expands development capabilities with a dedicated team that works as an extension of your team and on your projects only.

With Svitla’s Managed Team Extension delivery model, we carefully select each team member based on the requirements and expertise you need. They immerse themselves in your project, maintaining your company culture and aligning with your strategic goals.

This solution works best for:

  • Developing new modules or applications: You get dedicated developers with strong technical skills who can help you accelerate your product's development and/or integration.
  • Saving time and resources: You find it tough to hire and secure excellent, cost-effective IT talent at your location or don't want to spend time on onboarding.
  • Long-term cooperation: Our extended team works on your project only and under the same rules as your team. You can rely on them 24/7 and expect long-term and fruitful cooperation.
  • Getting more for less budget: We build balanced, agile teams that reach your goals in the fastest way with optimal resources. You are guaranteed a price, year to year, which protects you from running over the budget.
  • Ongoing bug fixes and support: We recommend the best-suited technologies and provide continuous integration of new features in your product.
  • Quality assurance expertise: We lower your risk of releasing an immature software product, thus protecting you against additional costs.

Svitla’s Managed Team Extension delivery model includes a proprietary recruitment process based on industry best practices that enable us to find the best experts in the field for your team extension needs.

Types of Staff Augmentation

Now, staff augmentation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s typically delivered differently, allowing companies to tailor their staff expansion to match their unique requirements. Here are the common types of staff augmentation:

1. Project-Based Staff Augmentation

In this type of staff augmentation, companies employ the model for a specific project, ensuring they have the right skills during project lifecycles. It’s a cost-effective way to harness specialized skills temporarily.

2. Strategic Staff Augmentation

Businesses use this type of staff augmentation to boost their teams with strategic expertise or leadership. It’s a highly effective model for addressing strategic gaps in knowledge or experience.

3. Temporary Staff Augmentation

In this model, companies hire temporary engineers for a specific project or fill a short-term team gap. It’s ideal for short-duration projects or addressing immediate skill shortages.

4. Long-Term Staff Augmentation

Companies employ long-term staff augmentation when they anticipate long-term resource needs. It’s best suited for projects with no defined end date or when maintaining continuity is vital.

5. Seasonal Staff Augmentation

This type of staff augmentation is common in industries with seasonal fluctuations. By leveraging this model, companies hire additional staff during peak seasons and scale down during off-peak times. Seasonal staff augmentation helps ensure flexibility and cost-efficiency in staffing.

6. Skill-Specific Staff Augmentation

With skill-specific staff augmentation, companies hire individuals with highly specialized skills, such as AI, machine learning, or blockchain. By leveraging this staff augmentation, companies access expertise in niche technologies.

7. Onshore and Offshore Staff Augmentation

Onshore staff augmentation involves hiring professionals within the exact location, offering better collaboration and communication. On the other hand, offshore staff augmentation involves hiring resources from a different region or country to reduce costs. Companies choose between these options based on their budget and project requirements.

8. Hybrid Staff Augmentation

In this approach, companies combine onshore and offshore resources to create a hybrid team that balances cost-efficiency and local presence. It’s Ideal for maintaining quality while managing costs.

What’s to Love and What’s not to Love about Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation offers numerous advantages for companies who want to employ a strategic workforce expansion model for software development projects. Like any approach, it has its fair share of things to love and not love about. Let’s dive into some of the most prominent advantages of informed decision-making:


Staff augmentation enables you to scale your workforce up or down as project requirements change. You can quickly adapt to evolving needs without long-term commitments. It allows you to access a vast talent pool, including specialists in various technologies, ensuring you have the right skills for your project.


Staff augmentation can be cost-effective compared to hiring full-time employees, especially considering expenses like benefits, training, and overhead since you only pay for the resources you need when you need them, optimizing your budget.

Speed to Market

It accelerates project timelines by providing instant access to experienced professionals, reducing recruitment and onboarding time. Staff augmentation also allows you to start projects swiftly, staying ahead of competitors in fast-paced industries.

Access to Expertise

You can tap into specialized skills and industry-specific knowledge your in-house team might lack. Augmented team members bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, enhancing problem-solving capabilities.

Reduced Risks

The risks associated with hiring full-time employees, such as mismatched skills or cultural fit, are minimized in IT staff augmentation. You can disengage resources if they don't meet your expectations, mitigating risks effectively.

There are some stepping stones you should consider as well, when considering the augmented team for your project:

Integration Challenges

Integrating augmented team members seamlessly into your existing team can be challenging, affecting productivity and communication initially. Cultural differences and time zone disparities may lead to coordination difficulties.

Data Security and Confidentiality

Augmented team members may have access to sensitive data and intellectual property, posing potential security and confidentiality risks. Ensuring data protection and compliance can require additional efforts and resources.

Dependency on External Resources

Overreliance on augmented teams can make your organization vulnerable if external resources become unavailable or disengage. Transitioning between augmented teams can disrupt project continuity.

Quality Assurance

Maintaining consistent quality standards across augmented teams may require stringent monitoring and management. Variations in work quality among augmented team members can impact project outcomes.

Long-Term Costs

While IT staff augmentation can be cost-effective in the short term, prolonged reliance on external resources might lead to higher long-term costs. Companies should assess the trade-offs between short-term savings and potential long-term expenses.

When to Use IT Staff Augmentation

Recognizing when to use a staff augmentation delivery model can help project owners make informed decisions about their staffing needs. Here are common scenarios of when IT staff augmentation proves to be the most viable and beneficial option:

Resource Scalability

Suppose your project experiences fluctuating resource requirements due to seasonality, project phases, or unforeseen changes. In that case, IT staff augmentation allows you to quickly scale your team up or down based on project demands, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost-efficiency.

Skill Gaps

If your project requires specialized skills or expertise that your in-house team lacks, augmented staff members bring the specific skills and knowledge needed to bridge skill gaps and enhance project capabilities.

Project Deadlines

Tight project timelines necessitate rapid resource acquisition to meet deadlines. Staff augmentation provides swift access to skilled professionals, accelerating project execution and ensuring on-time delivery.

Cost Control

If you seek cost-effective staffing solutions without the long-term financial commitments associated with full-time employees, staff augmentation could be the key. It allows you to manage costs efficiently by paying for resources only when they actively contribute to your project.

Seasonal Demands

When your industry experiences seasonal fluctuations, additional resources during peak periods could be the case. Augmented teams can help you manage seasonal workloads without needing permanent hires, minimizing costs during off-peak times.

Short-Term Projects

Suppose your project is short-term or has a defined scope, making long-term employment contracts impractical. In that case, staff augmentation offers flexibility for short-duration projects, allowing you to engage resources as needed and reduce overhead costs.

Project-Specific Expertise

Augmented team members bring project-specific expertise, ensuring effective implementation and minimizing risks in projects that involve specialized tools, technologies, or industry knowledge.

Supplementing In-House Teams

Staff augmentation seamlessly integrates external talent with your internal team, enhancing overall project capacity and diversity of skills.

Risk Mitigation

Suppose you aim to minimize the risks of hiring full-time employees, such as onboarding, cultural fit, or resource availability. In that case, staff augmentation allows for resource flexibility, enabling you to disengage underperforming resources without long-term commitments.

Scaling Responsiveness

Staff augmentation enables rapid workforce expansion or contraction, ensuring your organization's agility in dynamic market conditions for projects that need a quick response to market changes or unforeseen opportunities.

staff augmentation best practices

How to augment your staff wisely

Augmenting your development teams requires careful planning and execution. We recommend that you follow these considerations: 

  • Identify clear objectives: Define project objectives, scope, and desired outcomes. Before embarking on the IT staff augmentation journey, it's crucial to understand your project's specific needs. Identifying these needs will help you pinpoint the right skill sets to augment.
  • Assess skill gaps: Conduct a comprehensive skills assessment of your existing team to identify areas where augmentation is required. Look for specific technical, domain, or industry expertise gaps that need to be filled.
  • Establish selection criteria: Define strict selection criteria for hiring augmented team members. Consider technical proficiency, relevant experience, cultural fit, and communication skills. Clearly outline your expectations.
  • Choose the right partner: When working with an IT staff augmentation provider, choose a partner with a proven track record, industry expertise, and a deep talent pool. Verify their credentials and assess their ability to meet your project's unique needs. To make an informed choice, consider factors like project complexity, skills requirements, project duration, scalability needs, and budget constraints.
  • Deliverables: Set performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and success. 
  • Legal agreements: Establish clear legal agreements and contracts that outline terms, conditions, confidentiality agreements, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Legal clarity is essential for a smooth partnership.
  • Retain ownership: Maintain ownership of the project and decision-making processes. Ensure that your core team controls project direction and strategy, with augmented team members supporting and enhancing your efforts.

Partnering with Svitla Systems for Your Staff Augmentation Needs

Whether you're a startup with an ambitious vision or an established enterprise seeking to optimize your workforce, the right talent can make all the difference. Throughout this piece, we've explored the concept of staff augmentation, its various models, advantages, and considerations. But the question remains: how do you ensure your choice translates into tangible results? The answer lies in choosing the right partner.

Svitla Systems is not just a staff augmentations services provider; we are your strategic ally in achieving your software development goals. Our Managed Team Extension model offers accelerated development and addresses skill gaps with dedicated experts who become a part of your team.

With a rigorous recruitment process and a commitment to quality and excellence, Svitla Systems delivers not just code but innovative solutions that drive your business forward.

Choose Svitla Systems as your partner to unlock the full potential of your software development projects.

by Svitla Team

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