Remember when was the last time that you wrote down a contact name or phone number into your paper notebook? IT technologies have provided us with more convenient solution – storing and managing all kinds of data in electronic format. Today hardly any application can be found that has no database in its structure. If we look deeper in each area of business, we will be able to discover how databases are used in each particular case.
Database is an integral part of any e-commerce application. Without a well-organized and easily accessed DB, it would be impossible to store, analyze and manage large volumes of information about products, sales and customers. Moreover, due to databases it is possible also to share information with suppliers and logistics partners to improve the efficiency of e-business operations. Database can keep product descriptions, customer contacts, prices, special offers and campaigns to give you a quick access to the necessary information in minutes saving your time and nerves. Having stored the history of customers’ previous purchases, you can create individualized promotion newsletters and discounts for the your customers to attract their attention in more personal way.
Using the latest innovations in education is very important thing. Teachers, as well as students, should get as much as possible profit from the e-learning platforms for making the process of studying contemporary, interactive, captivating and well-organized. Teachers can use applications that have a database in its core for tracking the students’ progress in more effective way than they do it in paper. Lectures, additional materials, pictures and videos can be stored in a database providing access to the students and colleagues. Students can manage and store their projects and perform assignments in electronic databases due to many special applications.
Databases are extremely helpful for the hospitals, clinics and doctors. Databases of electronic medical records (EMR) systems help physicians to interact with patients and retrieve data of their health, as they provide detailed patient documentation that is constantly updated and can be implemented with tablet technology. Besides using databases for the patient history storing in EMR, there are also special healthcare portals that contain information from the latest articles, videos and pictures on the most important health topics from such reliable sources as Medical Schools and leading health and fitness publications.
Human Resources
In the big companies that have the human resources department the database is indispensable thing to keep order in the numerous profiles of the employees and candidates. There are many applications that help HR managers to have a well-structured information about every employee (their resume, date of birth, promotion line, salary, vacation and sick days tracking and so on).
Social Networking and Marketing
All known social media and advertisement tools are built around databases. It is again about information storage and management. Where we once used printed telephone books, we now go online and find profiles which supply us with phone numbers and other useful data about people we need. One of the most common ways to use a social media and business database is to solicit sales either through direct mail pieces or telemarketing. By having phone numbers, names and addresses, businesses can target large numbers of prospects in the hopes of selling products and services unlike spammers that push millions of sales letters to unknown contacts.
Security of your computer is also depends on the database that contains the most recent and complete data about the a range of different viruses and malicious applications. These databases are constantly updated via Internet to protect your personal information from destruction or theft.
As we can see now the role of database is much more important than it may seem. The robust reporting features of databases make them useful resources for analyzing data and predicting future trends, connecting with people and keeping track on important events and changes.