Comprehensive AI-driven applicant tracking system designed to simplify recruiting.


Applicant Tracking System


Cloud, QA, Back-end


Human Resources


React, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Selenium, Python, AWS, Docker

Project type

AI, Cloud Migration


The product is a comprehensive Applicant Tracking System (ATS) solution designed to simplify recruiting. It provides necessary pipelines, AI-driven recommendations, ATS integrations (like Greenhouse), calendar integrations (Google, Microsoft), and many other recruitment tools for hiring. The product allows tracking and managing candidates at every step of their employment process and beyond.

Business needs:

 - Identify and solve existing bottlenecks in the existing architecture.

 - Update a messaging solution for communication with 10k + candidates/month.

 - Provide reliable real-time communication between recruiters and candidates.

 - Automatically process candidate CVs using AI.

 - Provide statistics and analysis on messages, schedules, successes and failures.

 - Improve stability and cost-saving by deploying the messaging system to the cloud.

Suggested solutions from Svitla:

 - Implemented a new microservice architecture to replace the old monolithic system.

 - Deployed the solution into the AWS cloud to reduce costs and enhance reliability.

 - Utilized third-party services to provide reliable real-time communication between recruiters and candidates, including SMS and WhatsApp, for messaging, filtering, and email notifications.

 - Implemented third-party ATS integrations (Greenhouse), calendar (Google, Microsoft), and many other recruitment tools for hiring.

 - Built an AI component that can automatically process candidates' resumes and extract data for future processing.

 - Implemented an AI component into a chatbot used to identify language, recognize and process complex user messages, and match FAQ answers with users' questions.

 - Developed a communication Widget for external clients' websites.

 - Applied TF-IDF, logistic regression, vector matching algorithms, and ontology services for NLP.

 - Built a comprehensive regression testing system for the verification and validation of NLP models, based on over 2000 test cases.

 - Set up a User Management system to provide different levels of access and privileges.

 - Delivered real-time statistics on schedules, declines, successes at different stages, and reasons for failures through an AI analytics information system.

Value delivered

Customized ATS adjustable for the wide range of product clientele needs.
A reliable and efficient communication system between candidates and recruiters.
Unified system of processing and storing user resumes and their data.
Convenient statistics for marketing departments to analyze users' activity.

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