
Container Logistics Platform


Desktop, Mobile, UX/UI, Front-end, DevOps


Logistics & Transportation


Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5

Project type

CRM, Mobile, Desktop App


Our Client сollaborates with more than 300 owners and users of containers. It helps customers find SOC containers in 2500 locations and identify partners that can move your containers to where you really need them. This product helps to build relationships between customers and container owners. It helps to find clients for container shipments. Also, clients have the best companies available for container rental.

Business needs:

- Build the front-end part for exchanging space in containers between customers and container providers.

- Provide functionality of high-quality front-end on desktop and mobile devices.

- Improve UI/UX for comfortable work for all types of users.

- Increase product stability and quality through continuous integration.

Suggested solutions from Svitla:

- Developed the front-end on Angular with responsive design.

- Reduced errors by providing unit tests on the front-end part.

- Kept the project consistent and created a deployment procedure with CI/CD pipelines.

Value delivered

Successfully tested and implemented a front-end information management system for container shipment.
Configured and tested environment for DevOps.
An extended existing high-performance team on the front-end part.
Established a reliable process within teams and effective daily communication with the customer.

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