Solar Energy Billing Platform

The new platform enabled our client to launch a new business model, massively scale, and define a fresh business direction.


Solar Energy Billing Platform


Back-end, Cloud, DevOps, Front-end, Web, Digital Transformation




React, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Google Cloud

Project type

Web App, Cloud Migration


A US company that supplies solar energy to local communities. Through its platform, the company connects residents, businesses, and other consumers with clean energy facilities to lower their electricity costs.

Business needs:

-Business Model Сhange: Switch the business model from developing and maintaining IoT devices to managing energy traffic.

-Operational Platform Development: Create a platform to support solar energy-generating companies and their customers in estimating payments and charging for electricity.

-Integration with Operators: Integrate the platform with cable operator companies' software to manage the electricity supply.

Suggested solutions from Svitla:

- Used Ruby on Rails to create the platform’s back-end, billing, and payment system, and React along with Next.js to build the front-end for the entire platform.

Applied Golang to create an internal sales admin solution based on microservices architecture for enhanced performance and integrated it with Salesforce.

- Utilized Heroku for the development environment and migrated the hosting of production and staging environments to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Unlike Heroku, GCP allowed extensive customization and control over various aspects of the infrastructure.

- Implemented a range of GCP services tailored to the project needs, such as API & Services for integrating external systems, IAM & Admin for secure access management, Billing to track expenses, Compute Engine for virtual machines, Kubernetes Engine for container orchestration, VPC Network for isolated networking, BigQuery for data analysis, and Cloud Storage for scalable and secure data storage.

Value delivered

The new platform enabled our client to launch a new business model, massively scale, and define a fresh business direction.
Additional features, including marketing campaigns, referrals, and landing pages, boosted customer growth.
The client could easily distribute their API, integrate third-party APIs from cable operator companies, and manage financial records via Salesforce.
Leveraging GCP's pay-as-you-go model allowed the team to tailor resources according to their needs, resulting in significant infrastructure cost savings.

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