
Svitla Smart Talk: Core ML. Vol 1: Natural Language


This talk marks the first in a series centered around the Apple Core ML framework. In this first meeting, we will talk about what Machine Learning is in broad terms as well as the instruments that Apple includes in their framework. We will also cover the Natural Language capabilities and even test some of them during a live coding session by implementing text analysis functionality from scratch. 



  • Agenda

  • Speaker

  • Goals

Machine Learning

  • Theory

  • Where to Use

  • Common Tasks

Core ML

  • Vision

  • Natural Language

  • Speech

  • Sound

Natural Language

  • Overview

  • Tokenization

  • Language Identification

  • Linguistic Tags

  • Text Embedding

  • NL Models

Live Coding

  • New Project Integration

  • Data Input

  • Processing

  • Results Output



Kostiantyn Bilyk, Team Lead, Lead iOS Software Engineer, Svitla Systems


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