
Svitla Smart Talk: Easy Cloud permissions management for your Kubernetes workloads

Join us for a webinar on managing cloud permissions for Kubernetes workloads. We'll cover key methods for accessing cloud resources from Kubernetes pods across AWS EKS, GCP GKE, and on-prem environments.

Topics Include:

  • GCP Access Tokens/AWS Access Keys
  • GCP Workload Identity
  • AWS IAM Role Anywhere
  • AWS IRSA (IAM Roles for Service Accounts)
  • EKS Pod Identity


Stanislav Kolenkin - Head of Cloud Foundation in Temabit (Fozzy group)

- More than 16 years of experience in IT
- Expert in AWS, GCP, Hybrid clouds, Multi-Cloud, Kubernetes, Containers, Serverless
- Kubernaut, Calico Big Cat, AWS Community Builder in Container nomination
- Big experience in mentoring and training 

Event details:

Date - 16 July
Time - 19:00
Duration - 1.5 hours (60 min. speech + 30 min. Q&A)
Language - Ukrainian
All other details will be sent after registration.
Registration is free and mandatory.

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