Svitla Smart Talk: Hanami – next generation Ruby application framework

Hello, Ruby community!
Trust us when we say that this next Svitla Smart Talk is for you! In joint collaboration with Piotr Solnica, we will be touching on the subject of application development with Ruby and how we’re taking it to the next level with Hanami 2.0. In this session, you’ll be able to dive into a short intro of the framework, learn where we are with its progress, what’s next, and what you can expect to see in the final release.
Save the date for June 17 for this free online event, where you’ll be able to join from anywhere.
Piotr Solnica - a software consultant and an Open-Source hacker. He created the rom-rb project and co-established dry-rb. He’s also the author of gems like dry-validation, dry-types and more. His jokes are dry as well 😉